Honest expression
Narrative led
Radically human
Seriously playful
Transformative thinking

Selected Work


Honest expression
Narrative led
Radically human
Seriously playful
Transformative thinking
Selected work

Tanner Street

Proposal for a new 127 room hotel in East London with communal facilities including a cafe and dining spaces shared by guests and the local community.
The existing Barking Park Hotel has been family run since the 1980s however has become outdated with it’s piecemeal development over the years leading to a confusing layout, unsuited to the demands of modern visitors. Our proposal seeks to replace the existing hotel with a new building that will greatly increase the number of rooms whilst providing additional facilities for hotel guests and the local community, creating a new civic building which seeks to become an important focal point of activity for the local area.
The design of the hotel is the result of extensive contextual analysis in order to understand the local heritage and built form which spans a variety of Victorian, pre-war and more contemporary housing typologies. This has manifested itself in a building which rises at the corner of the main road to give itself appropriate civic impact and then falls to meet the residential scale of the neighbouring houses.
The material palette has been selected to reflect the simple palette of earthy tones generally used within the local area, with robust materials such as brick, glazed hit and miss brick and stone selected to provide a crafted human feel to the building.